1.     Night fishing is forbidden at all club waters, except to a senior member holding a night permit.

2.     Members may use up to 2 (two) rods at club waters.  If two rods are used, they must not be set up more than 2 metres apart.

3.     A fishing rod means any hand line, fishing rod line, or any line in the water with the intention of catching fish.

4.     No rod will be left unattended while its line is in the water.

5.     Fishing from boats, rafts, or any floating platform, is forbidden at all club waters.

6.     The use of treble hooks is forbidden at all club waters.

7.     Rule Omitted

8.     No excessive bread or any other floating matter to be thrown on the surface of club waters, except that attached to a hook and line.

9.     The use of live fish for bait is forbidden on all club waters.  The only fish permitted will be preserved fish, for example, Sprats. [NOTE:  There are no pike in club waters to justify the use of such method].

10.     Use of lead shot is banned as per Environment Agency rules.


11.      Day ticket holders must be accompanied at all times by a senior member who will be responsible for the conduct of the ticket holder at all times when the ticket holder is at the water.

11.a. Day tickets will only be issued from 15th July each season.

12. The cost of day tickets will be fixed at the Annual General Meeting. A day ticket will be valid for daylight hours only. One hour before sunrise to one hour after sunset.

13. Day tickets may be purchased by giving 2 (two) days notice. Only under special circumstances and at the discretion of the issuing officer, will a day ticket be issued less than two days before it is needed.  


14.  Members under the age of 16 (sixteen) on the 15th June will be Junior members.

15.  The subscription will be decided each year at the AGM.  Members who have not paid their subscriptions by 31st March will deem to have lapsed and will have to pay a rejoining fee.

16.  Members using club waters must show their membership card at the request of a club bailiff, a police officer, a common warden, or another member displaying their membership card.  A club badge alone will not be taken as proof of membership.

17.  All permits to be endorsed with a passport sized photograph of the permit holder  and that in the absence of any such photograph the permit is an invalid permit.

18.  A permit allows only the member whose photograph appears upon it to fish and no other person without exception.


18.a.  No fish may be taken from club waters, except at the authority of the fisheries officer.

19.  No weed, plant or vegetation may be removed, dragged, or cut from any club waters or bank, except by working parties under the guidance of the Fisheries Officer or having written permission from the committee to proceed.

20.  The use of keepnets, carp sacks, or other fish retaining devices, is banned at all club waters, except at authorized angling matches.  All keepnets must be of a knotless design and of at least Thames Water Authority specifications.  All landing nets used at club waters must be of a knotless design.

21.  Every member must have and use their own landing net of the knotless type of at least 24 (twenty-four) inch neck and depth of 24 (twenty-four) inches.  Members under the age of 12 (twelve) years old must have immediate access to such a net.

22.  Only barbless hooks may be used.

23.  No wildlife is to be interfered with at club waters.

24.  All pieces of line must be taken away from club waters.  Any line in an inaccessible place must be reported to a committee member as soon as reasonably practicable and certainly within 2 (two) days.

25.  Members introducing fish into club waters without the authority of the fisheries officer or committee will be immediately suspended and reported to the committee for disciplinary proceedings.

26.  The use of paraffin pressured lamps to be banned on all club waters.

27.  The use of gas lamps to be banned at Childown.

28.  NO fires are to be lit on the banks of, or on the surrounding land, at club waters.

29.  Camping on the banks or surrounding land of the club waters is forbidden.  For avoidance of doubt, if night fishing an umbrella with sides, overwrap, or equivalent is permitted for the night.

30.  Any member fishing where there is litter in the vicinity of the swim may be suspended or banned from the club without exception.

31.  All litter and rubbish must be taken away from club waters without exception.

32.  Any member seeing a person throwing rubbish or litter on the banks of, or on the surrounding land, at club waters is requested to report that person to a bailiff, a committee member, common warden or police officer.


33.  Members fishing or visiting Childown must park their vehicles in Fishpool or Childown car park.  Cycles must be left in the area provided within the grounds of the lake.  Cars must not be left on the roadside without permission of the fisheries officer.

33.a. Only members and accompanied day ticket holders may enter Childown.

34.  Fishing from islands not connected to the bank by a bridge is forbidden.

35.  Members lighting fires or trespassing beyond the boundary fence will be immediately suspended and reported to the committee for disciplinary action.

36.  Access to the lake for angling purposes will be through the gate in Stone Hill Road.  Members will receive a new combination to the gate, which must be kept locked at all times.

37.  No member, not being a member of the committee, or a bailiff, shall have right of access to Childown Lake during the closed season unless carrying specific authority of a member of the committee or on a properly convened work party.

38.  Ditches must be crossed by bridges provided.

39.  Membership cards must be shown at the request of the owner or their representative and as stipulated in Rule 16.

40.  Dogs are specifically banned from Childown at all times and without exception.


41.  All members under the age of 14 (fourteen) must be accompanied by a person of senior member age when they are fishing club waters.  All Junior members must be supervised at all times.

42.  No radios, or sound emitting devices (other than bite alarms) may be played in the vicinity of club waters by members or the guests.  In the case of bite alarms, these shall be used at low volume levels in consideration of other members, and neighbors of the club waters.

43.  No vehicles are to be driven onto the common at Fishpool.  Car parks must be used.  Cycles must be left in the designated areas at the dam end of the lake.

44.  Complaints against members will be investigated by the Committee, which will have right to withdraw or suspend membership.

45.  All persons fishing club waters do so AT THEIR OWN RISK.

46.  Bad language and noisy behaviour will not be tolerated.

47.  Closed season 15th March until 15th June inclusive.

48.  Tackle must not be left reserving a swim for an excessive time (e.g. leaving the fishery).

49.  The Childown Lock combination will be changed for the new season by 1800hrs on the 15th June each year.

50.  Official Bailiffs and Fisher Officers are empowered to confiscate the permit of any member infringing the club rules, thereby imposing immediate suspension of membership pending investigation at the next committee meeting.

51.  No fish to be placed on the bank under any circumstances unless they are placed on a proper unhooking mat having an absolute minimum size of 30 inches x 18 inches.

52.  Anglers/Members must not obstruct the pathway around the lakes with any of their tackle, umbrellas, bivvies, etc.

53.  No fishing matches will be held on Childown and Fishpool before 15th July.

54.  The venue of Senior Matches will be vacated 1 (one) hour before and throughout the duration of the match.

55.  No member shall publicize information relating to Club Waters or catches made without prior approval of the Committee.

56.  In the event of needing to go to the toilet, bag it up and take it home with you.